Publishing something after quite some time…..
Well the new kid on the blog is a C++ container for a Whole Number (0 < n < ∞). This is much like the JAVA BigInteger class. It will enable you to perform mathematical operations on big positive integers/whole numbers with the ease of using a native data type. All mathematical and logical operators for supporting normal operations are being added.
Some examples for its use might be finding the results of:
No special operations are required, just use this class as a native datatype to achieve the above mentioned.
Insertion/Extraction operators have been overloaded too, enabling normal console I/O.
It is still under development, an initial working prototype is ready. Loads of operators still remain to be overloaded.
You can have a peek at it at . It is hosted on as a public mercurial repository.
You'll need to have mercurial installed on your system to create a local clone of the repository.
Currently, the project consists of 2main files:
and a test program.